Hiring Executives


Every recruiter works with a hiring executive at some level. Perhaps our greatest strength at Rosenthal Schoor is building lasting relationships with our hiring executives and truly understanding the culture, finances and competitive advantages of their firm. It is an incredibly competitive recruiting landscape. No matter a company’s size — it is a daunting task to spend focused time getting to know candidates especially when the top talent has plenty of suitors.

We believe this process is 100% tied to relationship-building. And it takes time — often nights and weekends! We need to know what makes both you and your company special! And it’s not just words — we recruit with stories about people. The more we can humanize you and your company — the better.

We don’t work with companies who keep us at arm’s length. Better to recruit FROM them then FOR them because the distance is probably a reflection of the entire company culture!

So for Mike and his closest clients — many of which are CEOs and Presidents of large companies — it’s an ongoing commitment. To paraphrase Jim Collins in Good To Great — we’ll spend the time together to get the right people on your bus.